Audit & Assurance

Around the world, the journey to success is governed by increasingly complex and broadening regulatory requirements and stakeholder demands. We at ADM have the courage and integrity to help you meet these demands by providing a timely and constructive challenge to management, a robust and clear perspective to audit committees, and transparent information for your stakeholders and investors.We at ADM are shaping the audit of the future by leveraging cuttingedge technologies, data analytics, and audit delivery centers to continuously improve audit quality, streamline processes, and deliver greater insights to our clients and the markets.

Our approach to Internal Audit is no longer just about having the best people but equipping them with smart approaches and intelligent tools to help with their assessments. We improve the productivity and the effectiveness of your IA function resulting in reduced cost, improved performance, increased relevance, and develop metrics to drive ongoing improvement in the IA function.

Every challenge and every opportunity an organization faces today demands change. And with change comes risk. Some risks you can see, some you can predict, some you can plan for, and some you can’t. Organizations that identify, manage and respond to these risks well are positioned to grow and remain successful. Our understanding of the issues around risk — the risks you can see as well as the ones you can’t — inspire us to ask better questions. Organizations need to look beyond manageable risks (financial, operational,regulatory), better align their risk and business objectives, improve coordination and alignment of risk activities across the organization, and more effectively leverage technology so that they can better respond to their different risks. Together, we at ADM can help deliver better outcomes and long-lasting results, from strategy to execution.

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